Inspired by how phone companies helped us all get up to date technology without breaking the bank you can now have a professionally custom designed website that is utterly unique to you for a deposit followed by 24 or 36 monthly payments.
At the end of the contract you can either go “sim only” ie pay for just the hosting or “upgrade” that is start again with a whole new website design to stay current to customer trends and reflect who you are then and going forwards.
If a lot of websites look similar it’s because they are – most web builders offer pre-designed layouts that allow you to change colours and maybe where the pictures go and so on. At a detailed initial consultation Ian will learn about your unique needs and preferences. He will then take these into account, allowing him to come up with the right solution for you – not the one that happens to come out of the box or caught your eye because the stock image on the template chooser happened to appeal to you.
There’s no need to wrap your head around Wix or Wordpress – all you need to do is decide what you want to say and supply the content so Ian can create the pages in the site for you. While we do have an option to have a Content Management System – (this is a way for you to be able to edit your own website in the future) in reality most people only change their web page once in a while. If you know that in reality that’s you then save yourself the expense of a CMS and opt for the maintenance package instead.
Many web designers can help you with a good looking website but will expect you do provide all the words. We know that writing is a skill that not everyone has. We will ask you for the content in bullet points and we'll convert it into web copy that will work to meet your objectives.
Some providers charge extra to make your site adapt to tablets or mobiles we offer it as standard on all our packages. After all 60% of web traffic is now on mobile so we consider it a necessity not an add on.
If you go for a Wordpress based site then maintenance is hugely important. This is because it’s based on open-sourced code – meaning it’s really easy to hack unless you take precautions which need to be constantly updated – hence the maintenance headaches. With our sites the only maintenance you need to worry about is if your offer changes or you want to update a photo or your phone number for example. We include one small change per month at no extra cost.
Well there a lots of options but to give you an idea – a typical package would be £2500 deposit followed by 36 monthly payments of £30. Includes our Brand Discovery Workshop to help us understand how you're unique - book a discovery call / Zoom with Ian for a custom quote using the button below.
Book a call with Ian to find out more